
The Clinical Business of Dentistry™
Introductory Training Course

If you feel that the "Being in Network" Equation is:*Screen%20Shot%202019-01-28%20at%208*38*50%20AM*png?alt=media&token=f2c3a359-a554-419e-9894-2843cbe1cf43

Seriously though, are insurance plans
shrinking your profits?

Are you working harder
and taking home less?

It doesn't have to be that way!

Do you sometimes think that going
Fee-for-Service will solve all of
your cash flow challenges?

If you’re concerned about:

- covering your overhead
- about new patients
- about insurance reimbursements

Ever wanted Training that
Actually Made YOU Money?

Then this is for you and your team!
Watch this FREE two-part webinar
series 📝below 👇🏼!

If you do not make your upfront investment into you and your team back within the first 90 days, we will pay you the difference! It's that simple.*AGD_Pace2*png?alt=media&token=9e439ab9-09c1-43cd-8c6c-128e80d7b7d7